Convert addresses to geocoordinates and vice versa with high accuracy
What is the purpose of geocoding?
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses into sets of latitude and longitude coordinates and vice versa. It’s a prerequisite for all geolocation-based applications: It enables you to search and precisely display geographic locations on digital maps. Therefore, geocoding is the foundation for all mapping and vehicle routing and optimization tasks. Convert addresses to geo-coordinates and vice versa with high accuracy to display geographic data on digital maps with the PTV xServer Geocoding API, integrating your SAP Master records.
Enter information using either free-from or structured input
As user of the PTV Geocoding API, you benefit from maximum flexibility: Use free-form input to enter addresses without considering the order of address elements, or use the structured input to determine the match quality of the single address elements
Apply address verification to spot errors before they cause problems
Apply address verification to spot errors before they cause problem
Use forward and reverse geocoding
In forward geocoding, you start with an address or point of interest and end up with the corresponding coordinates consisting of a latitude and longitude. In reverse geocoding, you request a geographic location based on its coordinates. Our geocoding web service matches geo coordinates and addresses with highest precision.
Rooftop accurate geocoordinates
The precise physical geocode of a delivery point may differ from the interpolated geocode for that same address. Thanks to rooftop geocoding with the PTV Geocoding API, you identify the exact latitude and longitude of an address,and are able to “put the pin” right in your customers’ driveway. This way, you can be certain that your drivers arrive exactly where they need to go and avoid searching for delivery entrances at their destination.
Use batch geocoding to process large amounts of data at once
Batch geocoding enables you to group addresses and geocode them together. Due to less protocol overhead, you benefit from reduced network traffic and are able to geocode your whole database at once.
Postcode search API that handles all available formats
Regardless of length and formatting: Our postcode search API reliably locates postcodes globally.
Why geocode with PTV Geocoding API?
The PTV Geocoding API is a software developer component, available as a cloud-based web service or an on-premise solution. Due to its standardized interface, the component can be easily integrated into an existing software architecture. It handles geocoding requests quickly – for individual locations as well as for entire databases. The PTV Geocoding API offers maximum flexibility and highest precision: It allows you to enter address information without specific formatting requirements. We provide a highly accurate database, enabling perfect matching of geo-coordinates and geolocations. Moreover, we supply detailed geocoding documentation as well as continuous training and support.
PTV xServer allow you to plan and change clusters based on locations (customer addresses, postcode areas etc.). Common use cases are the management of field representatives, the planning of warehouse locations and their delivery areas as well as delivery planning.
PTV xServer are designed for processing big amounts of data and therefore predestined for companies with an extensive field force and / or numerous locations to consider.